Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fall is a Season not an option!

Hope everyone had a great summer. Despite being very mild I am psyched for Fall weather, which to me means perfect Arkansas climbing and resuming the KCCC schedule. Some of you might have some difficulty comprehending an actual schedule of events, rather than my my past m.o. of announcing the meeting a week ahead of time. Read it and weep (tears of joy for all of you organized types).

Tuesday the 1st- KCCC meeting at Backwoods Ron Rapper will be giving a slideshow on lastyears ascent of Gannett Peak. Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday the 26th- 24 Hours of Horseshoe Hell

Tuesday the 6th- KCCC meeting at Ibex. There maybe a short presentation, but most of the time will be spent climbing and reviewing skills. Starts 7 p.m.

Sat & Sun 10th/11th- Fall trip to Arkansas. Yeehaw!! You got a purdy Cam!

Tuesday the 3rd- KCCC meeting at Dynamic Earth. Jim Grace will be giving a presentation
on setting a record for hitting all 48 contiguous high points in a ridiculously short amount of
time. Starts 8 p.m.

TBA-Holiday party?????

Do you have an event that needs to be listed please let me know. Also most every meeting/event will also consist of food and drink during or afterwards, FYI. Looking forward to a good Fall.
